Although Yoshio Sanpo was a very efficient worker, the stress from work became too much for him and he often used to be grumpy at home. Due to his own grumpiness, everyone in the family became affected by this pent up stress. An irritated feeling spread throughout the entire Sanpo household, like a vicious cycle.

One day, Yoshio happened upon the idea of sanpo-yoshi and was inspired. “May be there is something in this that could help me solve my own problems,” he thought and he became determined to start practicing sanpo-yoshi. He didn’t think he could do it on the same grand scale as the Omi merchants but he knew he could certainly try on a personal level.

Yoshio started by greeting his family members. Upon returning home, he greeted his son, Yoshitaro, in a booming voice, “I’m home! How are you?” Although it was clear that his father’s unexpected greeting perplexed Yoshitaro, Yoshio could clearly notice a happy, refreshed feeling within himself.

As his stress subsided, Yoshio realized that his family’s overall grumpiness was gradually disappearing. Now they began to share more smiles and happy conversations among themselves. Yoshio continued the practice of greeting his family members and his home is now a very cheerful one. Yoshio and Yoshitaro leave home together for work and school, with Yoshiko Sanpo sending them both off with a smile.